Rest API Security Checklist
REST API Testing Checklist
The purpose of this checklist is to collect all best practices for REST APIs, and organize them into an easy to use checklist.
The checklist is split into these sections:
Resource URI
Resource Representation
HTTP Methods
The idea is that you can use it as a reference tool, so when you are working on a PUT method, you can use the PUT section to make sure you haven’t missed anything.
The checklist is a work in progress, so if you see anything that can be improved, please let me know on Slack or send me an email at
Resource URI
The purpose of an URI (i.e. is to uniquely identify a specific resource.
Use these checks when you design your URI:
Use a noun for the resource name (i.e. customer) and not a verb (i.e. createCustomer) to make it resource-oriented.
Use plural for the resource name (i.e. /customers) to show it is a collection. Use an identifier at the end of the path to identify a specific element in the collection (i.e. /customers/{id}).
Don’t use a trailing forward slash (i.e. /customers/ or /customers/{id}/).
Don’t use filename extensions for the content type (i.e. /customers.json or /customers.xml) as part of the URI. Use the Content-Type header instead.
Keep the URI cool (i.e. Cool URIs don’t change) by using an immutable value for the identifier (i.e. /customers/{id}). For example, a primary key in a database table.
Prefer a concrete name (i.e. customers) to an abstract name (i.e. people) to make it easier to understand what the URI is identifying.
Only use a subresource (i.e. /customers/{id}/orders) if it will never be necessary to access the subresource outside of the parent resource’s scope. For example, it will not be necessary to find orders across customers. Consider adding the subresource as a property or array within the parent resource to reduce the number of calls clients need to perform.
Follow the convention below to make it easy to use it in JavaScript frameworks (e.g. Backbone, Oracle JET, Angular):
Create a new customer
Delete an existing customer
Get a specific customer
Search for customers
Update an existing customer
Resource Representation
The purpose of the resource representation is to show relevant data from the server’s resource.
Use these checks when designing your resource representation:
Think outside-in (or Design for Intent). Don’t simply expose your underlying data model, but think through what the clients want to achieve and design for that.
Only include relevant data that client needs, because it will reduce the bandwidth usage and make the representation easier to understand. For example, there might be audit columns on a database table, which are irrelevant for clients.
Use JSON as the Content-Type, so JavaScript clients don’t need to parse the response. Most of the popular RESTful APIs, like Twitter’s, dropped XML many years ago, and modern JavaScript frameworks aren’t really using XML anyway, so only support XML if you really need to. See Mark Nottingham’s JSON or XML: Just Decide to learn why you should only support one content type.
Use the Content-Type header, so clients know how to parse the body. If you support multiple types, let the client pick one in the Accept header. If the client only wants an unsupported media type, return “415 Unsupported Media Type” as the status code.
Use the Content-Length header to specify the length of the response.
Include the Resource’s ID both in the URI (i.e. /customers/123) and as an attribute in the resource representation (i.e. {“id”:123}). The reason is that some JavaScript frameworks rely on being able to access the ID as an attribute.
Use camelCase (i.e. companyName) for your attribute names. Camel case is used in JavaScript, so you will minimize the conversion effort of the client, if you return the attribute with this convention.
For Date (and DateTime) fields, use ISO-8601 format; for instance, 2016-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00. ISO-8601 dates comes in many variations, such as 2019-04-14T09:02:10.529+00:00, 2019-04-14T09:02:10.529+00:00, and 2019-01-14T20:22:21+03:00. You should support all variations as input values due to Postel’s law (“Be liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you send.”)
If you have magic numbers (i.e. {“orderStatus”:”4″}) then create a metadata service where it can be lookup automatically, so front-end engineers don’t need to look through out-of-band documentation. Alternatively, auto-translate the magic number in the representation (i.e. {“orderStatus”:”Cancelled”}).
If you have a field that has a list of values (i.e. a bonusLevel field) provide a metadata service where clients can see potential values, so it won’t be necessary to hard-code values in client code.
If you support multiple languages in your representation, let the client use the Accept-Language header to decide which language to use.
Provide links so clients can easily navigate to related resources. For example, in a customer representation you could provide a link to the customer’s orders and other related resources. Poorly constructed links on the client side is one of the most common errors in REST API, so by providing complete links to the client you eliminate this source of errors.
Use the Link header (from RFC-5988) for metadata links. For example, for previous and next links in a paginated search result.
Use embedded links inside the resource representation for links specific to that resource. For example, a link to the customer’s orders. The reason for not using the Link header for both link types is that when you need to return a collection of resources where each item needs it own version a link (for example, a canonical link to itself) you cannot do this in the Link header.
For link relations, seek to use the standard relation types before inventing your own.
Use meaningful name for links so that the client can guess if GET or POST should be used. For example, a “Reject Draft” link sounds like an unsafe operation where POST should be used, but a “Customer” link sounds like GET can be used.
Don’t do pretty print by default. Expect that casual clients will use a nice extension like Postman and save the bandwidth.
Use JSON Lint to validate your proposed resource representation.
If a client sends a request with a resource representation with an unknown field then ignore that field. This as per Postel’s law, “Be liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you send.”
HTTP Methods
The purpose of the GET method is to retrieve resources. If GET is performed against a Collection URI (i.e. /customers) it will search through that collection. If GET is performed against an Item URI (i.e. /customers/4531) it will lookup that specific item.
The checks below are the same whether GET is used for search or lookup:
The GET method must be safe, which means that when the client calls the method it will never update anything in the resource representation. In other words, only use it for data retrieval and never for altering the state.
Use the Cache-Control header to explicitly state if the response can be cached, or not. If yes, state for how long it can be cached (see this cache post for some rules of thumb).
Use the ETags header (if your REST API allows multiple users to work on the same data) to help protect the data integrity (see PUT, PATCH and DELETE for more details).
If you want to support Conditional GETs (to reduce network traffic), remember to support the “If-None-Match” header where clients can specify the latest ETag they have received. If ETag is still the latest, return “304 Not Modified” else return “412 Precondition Failed”.
If you allow partial responses (i.e. only include some attributes in the response) to improve performance, use a fields entry in the query string to let the client specify which fields should be returned. For example, “/customers?fields=firstName,lastName”. This is beneficial for mobile clients with small screens (where they can’t show all data) and don’t have a lot of bandwidth available.
Consider allowing clients to get linked resources embedded in the response. For example, “/customers/123?embed=orders” will include the customer’s orders in the customer response. This is to reduce the number of service calls and improve the performance. You can see nice implementations of this in the WordPress API and in the JIRA REST API.
The following checks are only relevant when GET is used for search:
Use the query string to let the clients search the collection. For example, /customers?lastName=skywalker&gender=female.
If you allow sorting of the search results, use a sortBy entry in the query string. For example, /customers?sortBy=lastName. Allow a minus (-) in front of the sortBy attribute to change the sort order. For example, /customers?sortBy=lastName,-firstName.
Consider aliases for common queries. For example, /customers/recentCustomers.
If the search can return a very high number results, use paging to divide the search result into multiple pages (like a Google search). For example, /customers?page=6&pageSize=50. Provide Link headers as per RFC-5988 (i.e. next, previous, first, last) to make it easy for the client to navigate through the result set. Remember to have default values (i.e. page=1&pageSize=50).
If the search was successful, return “200 OK” as the status code, and a wrap-free collection of the search results. Return the search results as a JavaScript collection (i.e. [{“id”:”1″},{“id”:”2″}]) and avoid wrapping it (for instance, {data: [{“id”:”1″},{“id”:”2″}]}) as wrapping makes it more difficult to parse for JavaScript frameworks.
If the search found nothing, return “200 OK” and an empty collection.
The following checks are for when GET is used for looking up a single element:
If the item is found, return “200 OK” as the status code and the item in the response body.
If the item is not found, return “404 Not Found” as the status code.
The purpose of the POST method is to add a new element to a collection resource. For example, add a new customer to a customers collection.
The server should automatically generate the resource id (i.e. /customers/{id}) for new resources (i.e. don’t expect clients to give it as input).
Don’t use a query string with POST. If you have input parameters add them as part of the request body, or alternatively, use a (custom) HTTP header.
If the resource is successfully created, return “201 Created” as the status code.
Use the Location header in the response to tell the client the URI of the newly created resource.
If the newly created resource will contain much more data than what the client gave as input (see GitHub for an example), you should return the newly created resource in the response body to save the client from a round-trip (use the same decision for PUT and PATCH to keep things consistent).
If newly created resources will look like what clients gave as input, return an empty response body.
The purpose of the PUT method is normally to overwrite/update an existing resource (i.e. it’s a complete update where every field in the resource representation is updated).
Don’t use a query string (see POST).
Make sure clients can use POST with the X-HTTP-Method-Override header to fake a PUT request, because some proxies only know GET and POST and will reject PUT requests.
The PUT method must be idempotent, which means that the result must be always be the same no matter if it is called one or many times. This makes transmission easier, because if it fails, it can just send the request again without worrying about messing up the resource’s state.
Don’t use PUT for partial updates. If PUT is given a partial resource as input (i.e. {“firstName”:”Han”}) it should update those attributes specified in the input, and set all other attributes to null. If you want partial updates, use PATCH instead.
Use If-Match header (and ETags) to avoid lost updates (see Etags post for practical details).
If the resource is successfully updated, return “204 No Content” and an empty response body. However, if you return the updated resource representation, use “200 OK” instead.
Avoid using PUT to create new resources. While this is perfectly legal, it is not all clients who are aware of this, so it will make your API less intuitive.
The purpose of the PATCH method to update specific fields on a resource (unlike PUT which overwrites the whole resource), which makes it faster when dealing with large resource representations.
It is a comparatively new method, which was introduced in RFC-5789, and it is not supported out of the box by all standards (like JAX-RS), and client frameworks will often need a little tweaking to work with it.
If you support PATCH, make sure it satisfy these checks:
Make sure clients can use POST with the X-HTTP-Method-Override header to fake a PATCH request, because not all firewalls and other middlemen know PATCH and might reject it.
If you use JSON Merge Patch (RFC-7396), which is using a simple JSON object (e.g. {“firstName”:”Leia”,”lastName”:”Organa”}) with the desired changes, but beware that clients cannot address attributes on child objects or individual elements in arrays, but will need to overwrite the whole child object or array. The Content-Type for this is “application/merge-patch+json”. The JSON Merge Patch format is intuitive and easy to understand, and it should be the default choice.
Use the JSON Patch format specified in RFC-6902 to let the client specify exactly what should be updated. Remember that the Content-Type for this is “application/json-patch+json”. The JSON Patch format is more complicated than JSON Merge Patch, so should only be picked if there’s a good justification.
If you use PATCH consider using more coarse-grained resources. For instance, instead of a /orders and a /orders/{id}/lines then just have an /orders resource where the order lines are an array within the orders resource. The benefit of a single resource is reduced latency.
If a client wants to patch a read-only (or system generated) attribute, respond with “400 Bad Request”.
Use If-Match header (and ETags) to avoid lost updates (see Etags post for practical details). Remember that PATCH is neither safe nor idempotent, so ETags are extra important here (compared to PUT) to avoid messing up the resource.
If the partial update is successful, return “204 No Content” and no response body. Mobile apps and other low-bandwidth clients prefer PATCH (due to the small payload), so returning the full resource in the response is undermining their need for speed. But keep it consistent with POST, so if POST returns the newly created resource, then PATCH should also return the updated resource and “200 OK” as status code.
Make sure that your clients will actually use PATCH, and not make full updates with PUT even when a partial update would have been sufficient. Many JavaScript frameworks supports PUT out of the box, which indirectly encourage its users to prefer this method. If you support PATCH, consider not supporting PUT, and vice versa.
If you are using versioning, PATCH maybe a better choice than PUT. That is, if you add an optional field, your new field will still be backwards compatible with existing PATCH calls, as the field will simply be ignored, whereas with exiting PUT calls (where the optional field is not included) will overwrite the optional field to null as PUT overwrites the whole resource.
The purpose of delete is to delete a resource on the server:
Don’t use a query string (see POST).
Make sure clients can use POST with the X-HTTP-Method-Override header to fake a DELETE request, because some proxies only know GET and POST and will reject DELETE requests.
The DELETE method must be idempotent, which means that the result must be the same no matter how many times it is called.
Use If-Match header (and ETags) to avoid stalled deletes (see Etags post for practical details).
Don’t use DELETE as a soft delete (i.e. update the resource’s status to cancelled, expired, deleted, or similar). If you want a soft delete, use PUT or PATCH to update the appropriate field.
In many business software applications, you don’t want to delete data (for audit reasons), so no DELETE method is needed.
If the resource was successfully deleted (or it has already been deleted), return “204 No Content” and an empty body (to ensure that DELETE is idempotent).
If the resource can no longer be deleted (for example, you cannot delete an order after it has been shipped) respond with “405 Method Not Allowed” (and set the Allow header with the allow methods on the resource).
Don’t allow delete on collections (i.e. DELETE /customers) unless you really know what you are doing!
When a request goes wrong, the server should provide a helpful response to the client, so that the client can understand and potentially fix the error.
Here is a list of checks to help with that:
If the request failed, never return “200 OK”. Not even if you provide an error message in the response body.
Beside the HTTP Status Codes already mentioned in the other sections, use these:
400 Bad Request: Failure due to a client-side problem. For example, missing mandatory header, poorly formed JSON, or failed (business) validation like a negative number in a quantity field.
500 Internal Server Error: Failure due to a server-side problem. For example, the server cannot connect to the database (often used in the a catch-all exception block).
In the response body, provide a description of the error to help the client. For example, “Mandatory field Delivery Date is missing”.
Make sure that the description can be shown directly end-users, so the front-end engineer won’t need to rewrite them. Alternatively, have one message for end-users and another for developers (see here for an example).
Be careful not to incidentally reveal detailed technical information in the error description (for instance, a raw stack trace) that might help a potential intruder.
Here are some checks related to security:
Use all the normal security practices (validate all input, reject bad input, protect against SQL injections, etc.) Expect that your API will live in a hostile world where people want to misuse it.
Encrypt all traffic to the server with HTTPs (and don’t allow any request without it). If you use HTTP Basic Authentication for security, it is highly insecure not to use HTTPs as basic auth doesn’t encrypt the client’s password when sending it over the wire, so it’s highly sniff’able.
If you develop both the API and the client, you can use HTTP Basic Authentication. The benefit is that practically every HTTP client (and REST framework) support it.
If clients will be developed by third parties, who end-users may not want to share their credentials with, use OAuth2 (which is the de-facto standard for most REST APIs).
Remember it is not easy to switch authentication method in a production API (just ask Twitter about OAuthcalypse), so if in doubt use OAuth2.
Provide useful examples of how to do the authentication. Don’t start your relationship with the front-end engineer with a frustrating experience about trying to figure out authentication.
Here are a couple of tips that didn’t really fit into the other sections:
Use the Accept-Encoding header to compress responses with GZIP, which will reduce bandwidth usage and improve transfer speed.
If you have a (semi) public API consider implementing Rate Limits with the X-RateLimit-Limit and X-RateLimit-Remaining headers to avoid some clients making excessive requests. If the limit is exceeded return “403 Forbidden”.
Other Guides
Here is a list of other REST API standards and guidelines that you may find useful:
Last updated